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Professional Supervision

Our team at ConnectEd Counselling and Consultancy provide a range of supervision and mentoring services. This includes:

Get to know our supervisors here

Professional supervision

We can provide supervision for a range of mental health professionals, and all our supervisors are Board-registered. We have a special interest in providing the following supervision:

  • School psychologists

  • Psychologists in private practice

  • Registrar supervision for Clinical Psychology endorsement and Educational and Developmental endorsement

  • Psychoeducational and ADHD assessments

Each of our supervisors brings their own unique focus and experience, but all provide a consistent approach that focuses on enhancing your strengths and skills and supporting you to grow in the areas that are important to you

Individual supervision is $240/hr (inc GST)

Group supervision - 2024 is full!

Our 2024 groups are underway! Interested in joining us in 2025? Sign up below and we’ll be in touch toward the end of the year as we start to confirm registrations

As well as our PD series above, we also provide group supervision for school psychologists. In 2024, we’re going to be running 4 groups!

Group 1 – Primary school – systems, processes, practical issues and therapeutic work (Dr Matt O’Connor)

Focussing on systems, processes and practical aspects of your school role (as well as general topics e.g. student concerns)

Group 2 – High School/Secondary – systems, processes and practical issues and therapeutic work (Dr Matt O’Connor) ***Due to popular demand – we have opened up another high school group, with additional times***

Focussing on systems, processes and practical aspects of your school role (as well as general topics e.g. student concerns)

Group 3 – Assessments in schools (Michelle Pullen and Emily Coote)

Assessments in schools, including practical aspects of completing a range of assessments, score interpretation, report writing and case discussions

 Who is it for?
  • School psychologists
  • Those completing registrar program for Clinical endorsement (Dr Matt O’Connor can provide this) or Educational and Developmental endorsement (Michelle Pullen and Emily Coote can provide this). Note – we can only sign on as a secondary supervisors
How will it work?
  • It will run 2 times per term for 1 hour per session, through the year (starting from Term 1, 2024)  – dates and times below
  • All sessions will be online
  • You sign up for the year (to keep it fair in terms of numbers and consistency)
  • There will be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 people
  • Each session will be a negotiated balance between topics raised by supervisees for discussion and topics of shared interest 
How much will it cost?
  • $80 (+GST) per session – 2 sessions x 4 terms =$640 (+GST) starting in Term 1, 2024


Dr Matt O'Connor

Dr Matt O'Connor

Clinical and School Psychologist

Dr Matt O’Connor is a Clinical and School Psychologist, academic, presenter. He is also the Director of Brisbane-based clinic, ConnectEd Counselling and Consultancy, which provides therapeutic services to young people and families, and consultancy services to the education and corporate sectors.

Dr Matt is well-regarded throughout Australia for his unique and engaging presentation style, and his ability to balance practical and grounded discussions, with ‘bigger picture’ concepts. His career as a psychologist has focussed on the delivery of school-based psychological services, with a special focus on systems and processes. His work has included hundreds of presentations to psychologists, schools, parents and students, as well as academic publications and conference presentations. His academic work has been cited over 900 times, and is being translated into 45 languges. 

In addition to this work, Dr Matt is also a sought-after supervisor and consultant, often in the areas of school structures, and supporting psychologists and schools to identify opportunities to improve school pastoral care and wellbeing processes.

Michelle Pullen

Educational and Developmental Psychologist

Michelle Pullen is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, supervisor, and registered teacher with over a decade of experience working to support the wellbeing and learning of students, staff, and families in schools.  Michelle has provided supervision for both provisional and fully registered psychologists working in schools.  She has also supported Teaching staff and staff on Wellbeing and Pastoral Care teams to tap into their strengths and resources in their roles to problem solve for their students’ holistic needs while managing their energy to avoid compassion fatigue or burnout. 

Michelle has experience and a passion around advocating for and supporting students (and their Teachers) who find the traditional classroom social and academic setting challenging due to life circumstances, mental health or behavioural concerns (Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, ODD, Autism Spectrum, intellectual disability or specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses).  She does this through:

  • Individualised Interventions 
  • Behaviour assessments,  
  • Learning assessments,  
  • Tailored individualised behaviour support plans,  
  • NCCD documentation,  
  • Verification applications and reviews,  
  • Planning and executing whole-school wellbeing initiatives, and  
  • Delivering and promoting education for staff around understanding the behaviours of students with disabilities, learning, or emotional needs; trauma impacts; and research backed strategies for managing relationships with these students and promoting their learning.

Michelle has also worked with school parents and carers groups on a range of topics including behaviour management strategies, supporting children with anxiety, school reluctance, and supporting the transition to Prep. 

Michelle enjoys translating research into practical strategies for teachers and parents and finding (new) ways to use (new) tools in the educational context to support students with learning, behavioural, or emotional needs. 

She currently works out of ConnectEd Counselling and Consultancy, a Brisbane-based clinic which provides assessment and therapeutic services to families and consultancy services to the education and corporate sectors.  To find out more about Michelle please see the consultancy page at ConnectEd or to book in for supervision, consultation, or mentoring go to her Bookings page here.  Reach out to Michelle at ConnectEd to discuss Professional Development or presentation solutions and requests for families, education professionals, or allied health or medical professionals. 

Emily Coote

Emily Coote

Educational and Developmental Psychologist

Emily Coote is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist (and Board-approved Supervisor) with over a decade of experience, primarily within the education sector.

Emily’s professional experience is working across the lifespan, in particular with young people through school-based roles (School Psychologist & Guidance Counsellor), crisis management, intervention and support (Child and Youth Mental Health Services and disability support) along with roles in rural and remote communities (educational, medical and hospital settings). Her expensive work within complex trauma and crisis support has enabled a calm and relational approach when supporting emotion regulation, safety, and help-seeking.  

Emily has a passion and skillset for psycho-educational assessments and provides psycho-educational assessment support, upskilling and report writing assistance. Emily has extensive experience with working with educational systems allowing her to support school teams and provide appropriate recommendations and support regarding learning, vocational, and environmental adjustments. 

Emily is Brisbane-based and offers supervision to a wide array of psychologists across Australia including those pursuing endorsement (Educational & Developmental). Find out more about Emily on our consultancy page or on LinkedIn 

Tracey Beck Gude


Tracey Beck Gude is a Psychologist and Board-approved Supervisor. Tracey has worked in health and Education systems and as a School Psychologist for the past 10 years. Tracey offers supervision to provisional psychologists to develop their knowledge, skills, interests, and strengths with their psychological practice with an emphasis on cultural awareness. She is passionate about strengthening supervisees and school staff knowledge and awareness around migration and settlement support.

Tracey’s professional experience includes working with children, adolescents, and adults, in school settings. Tracey has regularly facilitated workshops for students on healthy relationships, resilience and referral pathways for parents and trauma informed and mental health workshops with teaching staff. Professional development is key for Tracey’s learning and providing support to supervisees, clients, families, schools, and relevant stakeholders.

Tracey continues to enjoy her own supervision and values the strengths, knowledge, and interests of her supervisors and peers at different stages and settings. She also holds professional memberships with APS and Animal Therapies Ltd.

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Immediate availability!

We have appointments available with 1-2 weeks!

We are also accepting new client for assessments with a start date in the next few weeks