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Educational Advocacy and Support

Our team of psychologists (many of whom are former school psychologists) have significant experience working with young people, families and schools to achieve the best outcome for your child. We know how difficult it can be to navigate the education system when a young person has additional needs, and we know that everyone benefits from a little extra support. 

We can provide a range of options to support your child, you as parents, and/or your school:

  • Review of learning plans/personalised plans/student profiles, including identifying opportunities for adjustments and making additional recommendations
  • Support for you, as a parent, in advocating for your child
  • Completion of relevant supporting documentation that may be requested by the school, including functional impact reports and recommendations (e.g. additional supports, special considerations, ARAA forms)
  • Support in managing the impact of mental ill-health and/or neurodevelopmental concerns on schooling
  • Liaising with you and your school in support of your child (e.g. attending collaboration meetings)

These are just some examples of activities that we can support you with – we are happy to discuss specifics with you. You might also find it helpful to consider our assessment options, including psychoeducational assessment and ADHD assessments

Please note that some of these activities (e.g. completion of supporting documentation) are not able to be completed as a “one-off” activity and will typically require your psychologist to have collected sufficient information to be able to appropriately form an opinion. 

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