It is a stereotype that psychologists love asking about your childhood. It also happens to be true!
It is a stereotype that psychologists love asking about your childhood. It also happens to be true! In most cases, your relationship with your parents

Kids listen more than we think
Kids listen more than we think A little while ago, I was trying to give my little one an analogy to help explain how worry/anxiety/fear

Olympians are only amazing because of the people behind them
Opinion – Olympians are only amazing because of the people behind them It is that wonderful time every 4 years when we celebrate the athleticism,

Want to know the secret to being a good parent? Your relationship with them.
I am a new dad – my daughter is nearly 4 years old – and despite the knowledge that I have from working with parents

One thing that all children (big or small!) benefit from – consistent and predictable parenting
We are all routine driven. While many of us might like to think we are spontaneous and wild, the reality is that we frequently are

The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none
For all of us – whether we are a parent or a young person – setting boundaries is a hugely important interpersonal skill. Some of

We all want to feel heard and listened to, but how good are we at really doing that? Especially with our kids?
Early on in my training to become a psychologist, we did intensive training in something called ‘micro-skills’. We were told this was fundamental to our

At what age should my child stop giving me a kiss? Or a cuddle?
Let’s start with the reality – there is no right answer to this. But – and this might be controversial to say – there are

If I dropped by your house and quizzed your family, would they be able to tell me what rules and expectations exist at home?
First of all – no, I’m not dropping by your house! But this is a thought exercise I often suggest to parents when thinking about

Everyone likes positive reinforcement, but is doing this creating a generation of spoiled kids?
My short answer to that is – no, I don’t think so, but with a caveat. And that caveat is, when we do this flexibly.

I was smacked, and I turned out fine!
Managing misbehaviour – either in younger children, or adolescents – is arguably, one of the most stressful aspects of parenting. The line at the start

If you want to know how to teach your kid something, go and watch a great teacher do their thing!
I am very fortunate – my partner is a primary school teacher – and watching her talk our toddler through the myriad of things she

Should your kids be completing chores? If so, how many? Should they get paid pocket money?
I do a lot of parent presentations and this is often a great topic of discussion between parents. For me, it really highlights the fact

If there is one thing that teens know best, it is when something is unfair!
The feedback I hear from parents (and I have certainly seen in my work with teens) is that they are like super-detectors for things that

We are ALL creatures of habits, and your teen is no different (contrary to what they might think!)
If you ask a teenager what they would prefer to do on the holidays (especially if it is the end of term), most of them

Are we just a village of individuals?
The old saying is ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ – but more than ever before, we are more isolated from others (despite

If you ever wonder how much children pick up on what you say, hang out with a toddler and drop a swear word, and see how quickly they repeat it!
You are the longest relationship your child has, and for quite some time, will ever have. That means you are also the most influential teacher

When people ask why are young people struggling more than ever, one part to my answer is – they are busier than any generation has ever been.
If COVID lockdowns have shown us anything, it is that there is a different pace and way of doing things. I imagine though, that many

When it comes to thinking about what we want, there is a favourite analogy I like to use
Imagine you are being your own “character”, which represents the best version of you (lovers of role playing games will definitely get this). You have

The one topic that comes up at just about every presentation I do (even if it is NOT the topic) – technology use
I know it. You know it. Your kids know it. Technology is the battleground for most parenting challenges these days. And it is not surprising,

If I had to summarise what I hear from parents with regard to how to manage technology, that is pretty much the main message –

How YOU use technology might be negatively impacting how your KIDS use technology
I know. Technology and parenting is hard! It is hard because most of the technology we interact with is designed to capture and hold our

Should I let my kids have social media?
This question is one of those unique-to-a-generation type dilemmas, and it is one that likely every parent will have to answer (and keep answering) with

Kids’ behaviour online is terrible… but have you ever posted something on your local community page that people didn’t like?
Continuing the theme of talking through technology and young people, this post is poking at some of the issues we see with how we socialise

There are good feelings, and there are bad feelings. Right?!
Nope, not right. The ability to recognise and relate to our emotions is something we work really hard to support our kids with. It is

Does anybody else have a little one starting Primary School next year? Or transitioning to a new school? Or starting high school?
This is such a significant transition – for your little person and for you as their parent. My (Dr Matt’s) daughter is starting primary school

A lot of people do NOT like dealing with feelings
And that can be very true when it comes to parenting our children when they are experiencing some big feelings. Picture it – your primary-aged

It is a classic stereotype that teens are moody and wildly emotional
And really, that is fair enough! The amount of physical, neurological, social and emotional changes they are going through is enormous. One of the things

We need to talk about santa photos
This post might very well get me some eye-rolls, but that’s ok. Stop making children get photos with santa if they don’t want them! I

Christmas time (and big feels)
It is nearly Christmas time! And that means…yep, you guessed it! Meltdowns! No wait, presents. No wait, presents usually lead to meltdowns. So yes, meltdowns.

2hrs to learn EVERYTHING you need to know about parenting!
We are launching our new parenting program! In 2 hours, you will learn EVERYTHING you ever need to know about parenting! All that for only

Is it just me, or do we really glorify our children being independent?
This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about since I had a child. And something I keep seeing play out in a whole bunch

It’s school time! Eek, yikes, woohoo, boo and all feelings in between
Parents around Australia are gearing up for their kiddos to start, or return to school, and with that comes a whole heap of feelings –

Kids been in a fight? Just make them apologise!
Supporting young people and teens to manage conflict can be a really tough process. In many cases, there are going to be some really big

There is not a finite amount of awesome in the world
There is not a finite amount of awesome in this world! So why are we all so scared of spending it?! Over my life, I

Why Are We So Obsessed with Our Kids Being Independent?
Why are we so obsessed with our kids being independent? I’ve really noticed a cultural shift in the last decade towards trying to move our